Mission Statement
I’ve learned the importance of creating environments that encourage a stress free existence, if only for a moment. Two vital elements in creating such a space are nature & art. These two elements are the foundation of my life as well as the tea shop i built in 2012. Named ‘Cup-Ah Tea,’ it is an artistic haven on a kingston rooftop. “He who finds fault must fix” when insufficient help plus a strangling economy comes into play. I had to temporarily close down ‘cup-ah tea’. The fix: i created this series of hand made stencil colour prints to generate the capital to re-open this wellness centre. I watch with each new passing tweet, fb like & illiterate man rhyming over a beat, the slow & intentional erasing away of my culture. Kingston, my pretty little city by the sea, needs places where expression of self is encouraged in every nook, & every corner. Having built such a space i want to share it with not just my nation but the world. ‘Cup-Ah Tea” a place to meet , place to greet, listen to a beat. work, eat, rest not sleep, place to just be, a place to have a cup of tea. A creative space, a gallery, a stage, a reading corner, hammocks, wood floors, stools & chairs, a garden music & Life. All proceeds from sales of prints will go to the re-opening of ‘Cup-Ah Tea’
I’ve learned the importance of creating environments that encourage a stress free existence, if only for a moment. Two vital elements in creating such a space are nature & art. These two elements are the foundation of my life as well as the tea shop i built in 2012. Named ‘Cup-Ah Tea,’ it is an artistic haven on a kingston rooftop. “He who finds fault must fix” when insufficient help plus a strangling economy comes into play. I had to temporarily close down ‘cup-ah tea’. The fix: i created this series of hand made stencil colour prints to generate the capital to re-open this wellness centre. I watch with each new passing tweet, fb like & illiterate man rhyming over a beat, the slow & intentional erasing away of my culture. Kingston, my pretty little city by the sea, needs places where expression of self is encouraged in every nook, & every corner. Having built such a space i want to share it with not just my nation but the world. ‘Cup-Ah Tea” a place to meet , place to greet, listen to a beat. work, eat, rest not sleep, place to just be, a place to have a cup of tea. A creative space, a gallery, a stage, a reading corner, hammocks, wood floors, stools & chairs, a garden music & Life. All proceeds from sales of prints will go to the re-opening of ‘Cup-Ah Tea’
cup-ah tea.......'holistic art haven'
To Purchase prints visit Ethan Pettit Gallery....
.........................................................................................be the change you want to see in this world.......(ghandi)